Pinkeye ConjunctivitisConjunctivitis Conjunctivitis (pinkeye) is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, usually caused by viruses, bacteria or an allergy. The conjunctiva may be... 20180717131728
Colds, Coughs, CongestionColds, Coughs, Congestion Cold, cough and congestion are very common. A type of micro-organism called a virus causes most colds. There are many... 20180717131444
Cellulitis Skin InfectionsCellulitis and Skin Infections Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection, it is frequent and potentially serious. Cellulitis appears as a swollen and red area... 20180717131150
Bronchitis and PneumoniaBronchitis and Pneumonia Bronchitis is a respiratory disease that usually occurs due to an acute respiratory infection or cold, and is caused by... 20180717130312
Back PainBack Pain Stop being a prisoner to back pain and enjoy your life to the full. Unfortunately we have a tendency to... 20180717124659
Preventative MedicinePreventative Medicine Prevention is more than a cure and could be the best option. Preventive medicine is defined as medical practices that... 20180717121017
Trauma & LossTrauma & Loss Trauma occurs when you have a distressing or overwhelming experience which may include intense pain, stress, fear, or weakness. Trauma... 20180717120339
Stress & AnxietyStress & Anxiety Majority of people suffer from anxiety and stress during certain times and durations. Stress can be caused by an event... 20180717120226
Medication ManagementMedication Management AccuDocx Medication Management is medical care provided by our expert physicians to optimize drug therapy and to improve therapeutic outcomes... 20180717120126
TherapyTherapy Our therapies are focused on a number of disorders and provide relief over a short period of time. These therapies... 20180717115909