DepressionDepression Depression is a hard time to go through, and the medication can be of great help to regain the taste... 20180827100143
Anger ManagementAnger Management Anger is one of the most vivid emotions we know. Unexpressed anger is anger that gnaws at us and may... 20180720104305
TraumaTrauma The natural disasters are often better accepted than human disasters. If the former is conceived as the result of the... 20180719100328
PTSDPTSD Symptoms related to post-traumatic stress disorder do not tend to diminish or disappear naturally. As a result, an affected child... 20180719100117
Loss of Loved OneLoss of loved one The external trauma, sudden and involuntary disappearance of a loved one will disturb the intrapsychic functioning of a person. Anyone... 20180719094743
GriefGrief Grief is a normal process following a loss. During a traumatic loss, the process is more complicated. People who experience this kind... 20180719094639
Accident Sudden and brutal accidents create trauma. Accidents can often cause immediate and major injuries. After witnessing a shocking scene, trauma... 20180719094505
AbuseAbuse Freeing yourself from trauma caused by an experience of physical, sexual or psychological abuse is a process that requires a... 20180719093939
Work related AnxietyWork-related Anxiety It is a common pathology in our modern and increasingly urban societies. Working days are often long because of the... 20180719093807
Social AnxietySocial Anxiety Social anxiety is a disorder characterized by a strong fear of specific social situations, especially unfamiliar situations or situations where... 20180719093631